





我们生活在一个媒体饱和的世界. 印刷媒体, 电视, 电影, 互联网, and radio are central to the ways in which we now communicate, 教育, 创造艺术. Studying 电影 and media allows us to understand better how media connects us to the world and how we interact with each other. After graduation, an MFS student is well prepared to join this evolving media-based world we live in.

媒体 and Film Studies at Birmingham-南部 College is an innovative, interdisciplinary program grounded in narrative storytelling while being informed by other disciplines in the social sciences, 人文学科, 还有艺术. The program also stresses the ways in which academic study and artistic practices are mutually informative. Students in the MFS program develop and apply their skills in 至关重要的 thinking, 口头交流, 说服性写作, 在真正的文科传统中.

感兴趣? Fill out the form to the right and an admissions representative will follow up with you to start your Hilltop journey.




    媒体 and Film Studies majors take a set of core courses designed to provide a foundation in the historical, 理论, 至关重要的, 并对各种媒介进行实践研究. 核心课程包括七门课程:

    MFS 100媒介研究导论
    MFS 210电影分析
    MFS 220电影制作
    MFS 222编剧
    MFS 310电影和媒体理论
    或MFS 322高级编剧
    MFS 470高级会议及研讨会
    MFS 490独立项目或实习


    除了核心要求之外, students will individualize their major by selecting electives in two MFS tracks: 媒体史,理论,批评, 或媒体制作. Students take three units from 一个 track and an additional unit from the other track:


    AR 131 Printmaking: The Revolution of 媒体 and the Matrix
    AR 324 Photography as Witness: Photojournalism and the Art of Visual Narrative
    ARB 165 Arabs and Muslims in American Film and Television
    ARH 216 Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present
    EH 204为媒体写作
    EH 240 Technology, Literature, and New 媒体
    EH 248 Game(s) of Thr一个s: Medieval Literature and Popular Culture
    EH 384文学与美洲印度
    EH 420戏剧研究
    HI 201美国媒体史
    HON 215探索摄影
    HON 284大众传媒心理学
    IDS 115历史与电影
    MFS 250纪录片历史
    MFS 260非裔美国人电影
    MFS 277/377 Special 前ics in 媒体 and Film Studies
    MFS 310*电影和媒体理论
    MFS 360导演研究
    MU 322电影音乐
    PL 263 Philosophies of Film: Cinematic Wisdom West to East
    PS 111 Humor and the Cynical Political Mind
    PS 195 Talk, Talk, Spin, Spin: Politics, 媒体, and Political Culture
    PS 300媒体与社会
    RE 230 Christian Scriptures in Literature, Art, and Film


    AR 222相机力学和组成
    AR 324 Photography as Witness: Photojournalism and the Art of Visual Narrative
    BA 352数字营销
    CAC 230网页设计导论
    CAC 340数字媒体
    EH 204为媒体写作
    EH 305新闻工作坊
    HON 215探索摄影
    HON 216版画制作:历史与过程
    MFS 245 Producing Motion Pictures and Television
    MFS 320先进的电影制作
    MFS 322*高级编剧
    MFS 340录音与设计
    MFS 341 Acting and Directing for the Camera
    MFS 477 Special 前ics in 媒体 and Film Studies

    媒体 & 电影研究奖学金

    Each year, the MFS program participates in  Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship Day to allow prospective students the opportunity to compete for the various financial awards offered by the division. 媒体 and 电影研究奖学金 are awarded on the basis of a portfolio and an interview with each participant. This year's event will be on February 8, 2020. 


    1. 电影/媒体样本(i.e., 电影, 纪录片, 视频的文章, 数字艺术, 音乐视频, 播客, 新词, 编辑摄影作品集, 无线电广播, 虚拟现实)  or 写作创意短片 故事/剧本样本.
    2. 以下是书面声明  一个 以下2个提示(200-400字):
      • What is a major project you would like to achieve and how would you do it? or
      • What would you do with a completely free day?

    Writing samples, the written statement, and links to video files should be emailed to Dr. Champion in advance of VPA Scholarship Day. Students should upload portfolio video files to Vimeo, YouTube, 谷歌驱动, DropBox, 或者其他一些常见的在线网站. There is no time limit on the media samples submitted, but we will likely only review the first 10 minutes of content.

    Students should also bring hard copies/flash drives of portfolio items for VPA Scholarship Day.

    During VPA Scholarship Day, students will get a tour of the 365英国上市官网 campus and MFS facilities. MFS faculty will conduct short interviews with prospective students, and each student will have an opportunity to give a 5-minute pitch for a creative project.

    If you have any questions about the requirements, please contact Dr. 泰迪·钱皮恩 (电子邮件保护).



    媒体 and Film Studies graduates have been accepted into the most prestigious graduate schools in the country, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 芝加哥大学, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 和南加州大学. MFS students 在二元同步通信 have gained wonderful 电影 and media experience in and around Birmingham. Take a look at what some of our students have been up to while completing their studies 在二元同步通信:



    • 洛杉矶的Flight 33制片公司
    • 人行道电影节
    • 红山娱乐
    • Freelance Film Production for Vulcan Materials Company
    • 抽搐的电视
    • 刘易斯通信
    • 整首歌



    • WBRC福克斯6台
    • 比赛日地堡
    • WHNT亨茨维尔
    • 焊接



    • Future Perfect: Birmingham Museum of Art 60th Anniversary (accepted into the Sidewalk Film Festival)
    • Welcome to Golden Flake (accepted into the Sidewalk Film Festival)
    • Relative (accepted into Sidewalk Film Festival)
    • The Golden Girls of Magic City: An Examination of Women in Television Broadcasting
    • A Disoriented Experience: Viewing Sports in Restricted Narration
    • 罗宾和芬奇
    • Visual 媒体 Assets and 理论: Iron Tribe Fitness Denver, Colorado


    • Independent Cinema and the Sundance Film Festival
    • Multiple Friends Did Not Lead to an Arrested Development: How Comedies Shifted Back into Single Camera Work
    • Film Adaptations of Snow White: The Influences of Screenwriting Manuals
    • 《365英国上市官网》: 跨媒体爱情故事
    • Science Fiction Film in Astronomy Education: A New Approach
    • The Food Advocacy Documentary: An 参与d Aesthetic in the Digital Age


    • 《365英国上市官网》
    • “A Modest Exodus” *Finalist at Sidewalk Film Festival

    教师 & 工作人员


    Dr. 泰迪冠军
    电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

    访问ing Assistant Lecturer of 媒体 and Film Studies
    电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


    Ms. 朱迪E. Pandelis
    365英国上市官网 Arts Alliance Coordinator / Manager of the College Theatre Box Office / Administrative Assistant for the Departments of Art & 艺术史、媒体 & 电影研究,音乐, & 戏剧和舞蹈节目
    电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)




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